Foley .NET Utilities Class Library

List2Base Class

Provides an abstract implementation of the IList2 interface and extends Collection2Base.

For a list of all members of this type, see List2Base Members.


[Visual Basic]
MustInherit Public Class List2Base
Inherits Collection2Base
Implements ICollection2, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList2, IList
[DefaultMember (MemberName="Item") (TypeId="System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute") ]
public abstract class List2Base : Collection2Base, ICollection2, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList2, IList


The main purpose of this is an all purpose base class that can be extended by any class that wants to be a list.


Namespace: Foley.Utilities.Collections Namespace

Assembly: FoleyUtilities.dll

See Also

List2Base Members | Foley.Utilities.Collections Namespace