Foley .NET Utilities Class Library

LinkedList Class

A Doubly-Linked List implementation of the IList2 interface.

For a list of all members of this type, see LinkedList Members.


[Visual Basic]
Public Class LinkedList
Inherits List2Base
Implements ICollection2, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList2, IList, ICloneable
[DefaultMember (MemberName="Item") (TypeId="System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute") ]
public class LinkedList : List2Base, ICollection2, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList2, IList, ICloneable


The LinkedList can be used with all objects including null.

This class is not guaranteed to be thread safe.

The MoveNext method of the IEnumerator that is returned from GetEnumerator is fail-fast. That is, if the LinkedList is modified after the enumerator is created it will throw a SystemException This behavior cannot be guaranteed, and should not be depended on.


Namespace: Foley.Utilities.Collections Namespace

Assembly: FoleyUtilities.dll

See Also

LinkedList Members | Foley.Utilities.Collections Namespace